Kwikila District Inland Camp Meeting Records Highest Baptism
Thirty-four souls gave their lives to Jesus in the water of baptism following a one-week district camp meeting at Dorobisoro Village from 30th August – 04th September. The guest speaker of theKwikila District Inland Camp Meeting was Pr. Wally Kapi, Stewardship Director of the Central Papua Conference (CPC). He was preaching on the theme ‘God’s final call – I will go.’
Dorobisoro, located in the jungles of Central Province and about 81.2 km from the capital city Port Moresby, is a United Church village with a population of approximately 250 people. Adventist church is only present in the nearby 4 villages of Barai, Onohuro, Boto and Mimai.
Dorobisoro is the only easy link from the area to the outside world with an airstrip that only see one or two flights per year or none at all.
The camp meeting saw faithful Adventist church members from the 4 villages converged at Dorobisoro to fellowship in the one-week religious meeting.
With Pr. Kapi were Minister Julian Lava, CPC Women’s Ministries Director, Kwikila District Director Pr. Pali Veroli, Minister Garry Jack and CPC Media and Communications McValen Kaminiel.
Throughout the week, the United Church members have secretly attended the nightly meetings to hear Pr. Kapi preaching on the end time issues and God’s appeal to the world before his soon return. On the final night on Friday nearing conclusion of the sermon Pr. Kapi was shocked to see people walking up towards the stage without him making any appeal. Young people came in numbers to give their lives to Jesus.
On Sabbath 34 souls went into the water of baptism. Among them was Saul, a United Church member from Dorobisoro village.
Later on, Saul told Pr. Kapi that he and more than 150 other United Church members have attended the meeting every night and have sat in the dark to avoid being noticed.
Pr. Kapi encouraged the new baptized members to be disciples in order to make more disciples for Christ in the context of the world church theme ‘I will go.’