Maria District Records Highest Baptism

22 Aug 2021

Fifty-one souls went into the water of baptism at Kiru Village in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea after a one-week District Camp Meeting. Pr. Wally Kapi, Stewardship Director of the Central Papua Conference was the guest speaker of the program that ran from 15th – 22nd August this year.

He delivered the messages based on the week’s theme ‘God’s final call – I will go.’ More than 500 church members in Maria District attended the camp meeting among which were few United Church and Bahai followers.

Pr. Kapi preached about stewardship and encouraged the audience to bring back the one-tenth of all their produce to the ‘store house.’ He said many times we have robbed God through our actions such as failing to return tithes and offerings, misusing our resources, mismanagement of our time and many more acts of negligence and ignorance to God’s instructions. He continued on saying ‘test and see that the Lord is good.’

The people who attended the camp meeting came from villages far deep in the jungles of Central Province that are only accessible by bush tracks some of which require days to travel. The local people appreciated the messages and made up their mind to follow what God has instructed them to do in the bible.

Among the 51 souls that went into the water of baptism on Sabbath 21st August were a United Church deacon, a Bahai follower and an outlaw in the society. It was the highest number of people baptized in the history of Maria District.

More than 50 souls took their stand to follow Christ after the baptism when the appeal was made by the Stewardship Director.

Pr. Kapi thanked the faithful missionaries in the area who had left the comfort of their homes for the sake of the gospel to minister to the people in this remote part of the country.

McValen Kaminiel
